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How to use Bitcoin Testnet with XDEFI Wallet

Find out how to use Bitcoin Testnet with XDEFI Wallet

1 . Download and Install XDEFI Wallet from the Google Chrome Store.

Install XDEFI

XDEFI Wallet is a multi-chain and cross-chain wallet extension (currently available on Chrome Google Chrome, Edge Microsoft Edge, Brave Brave , Opera Opera and Cốc Cốc Côc Côc Browser (soon on Firefox )) built for DeFi users and NFT lovers. Join the Community / Reach our Support

2. Restore or create a new wallet from the Onboarding Process webpage. (Don’t forget to save your seed phrase)

3. Find a trustable Bitcoin faucet, enable Tesnet from the XDEFI Wallet Menu

Enable XDEFI

Receive BTCt

4. Copy your Testnet Bitcoin Address, provide it and receive BTCt



Bitcoin Testnet


5. Wait for +3 confirmations on the blockchain to spend (Swap) your BTCt

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6. Launch Tesnet App from Zetachain

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7. Select Network (Bitcoin Testnet)

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8. Click on “Install XDEFI Wallet to Swap Bitcoin” or “Install XDEFI Wallet”

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9. Select an account and establish the connection from the XDEFI Wallet pop-up

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10. Enter the amount you need to swap

11. Select a network and an asset in the “Receive” section

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12. Provide a 0x address

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13. Review Order

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14. Swap

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15. Confirm the transaction from the XDEFI Wallet pop-up

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16. Wait for the completion of the process

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Try XDEFI Wallet Now!


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