Academy > XDEFI: Quick start

How to manage NFTs in XDEFI Wallet

Please follow the below steps (1-6) in order:

1. Open your XDEFI Wallet extension

2. Click on the ‘NFTs’ button at the bottom of the Home screen

Feel free to use the Search tool :magnifying_glass_right: to quickly find one of your NFTs

3. Click on one of your NFTs while holding down the left mouse button and move the mouse to drag and drop (releasing the left mouse button) the NFT to the desired location

4. Click on the ‘View options’ button to select a grid size (2×2, 3×3 or 4×4) and the policy related to automatic video and sound playback

5. Select a NFT to display its ‘General’ data & ‘Properties’

6. Click on the ‘Send’ button to transfer the NFT

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